Saturday, October 13, 2012

Army of Virtues

Army of Virtues

"Striving for a life that reflects God's idea of beauty and God's design for excellence,
while cultivating a powerful mind and a powerful body to become a virtuous woman."
"Who can find a virtous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies!" (Proverbs 31:10 NLT)

Hello... This post is a bonus post, and not part of my 31 days of fitness series.  I noticed a few days ago that when I updated my blog a few months ago, I had apparently deleted the post that talked about where the name for my blog came from.  So, I thought I would post another one.

The short answer is... it comes from a Bible Study series by Elizabeth George, Beautiful in God;s Eyes.

The book is about the Treasures of the Proverbs 31 woman.  In the first chapter she is discussing the P31 woman's character, how she is a treasure and what the meaning of virtuous is.   Here is an excerpt from that chapter:

"The meaning of the word virtuous can be likened to the two sides of a coin.  Power of mind (moral principles and attitudes) makes up the image on one side, and power of body (potency and effectiveness) makes up the other.  Neither of these powerful traits seems to be very beautiful, but consider how God addresses them in His Proverbs 31 picture of beauty.  

A powerful mind- In God's picture of His beautiful woman, He shows her mental strength in a composite of the internal qualities that keep her (and that will keep us) from giving up, giving in, dropping out, or quitting short of the goal and do what God desires.  Right now look at the Proverbs 31:10-31 picture from afar.... God's beautiful woman is: 
  • Pure- She is a woman of virtue
  • Honest- her husband trusts her
  • Industrious- She is busy from sunup to sundown managing her interests and expanding her enterprises
  • Thrifty- Her skill with finances enables her to care for her loved ones and increases her property
  • Strong in Character- She faces the daily challenges of life (and death!) with undaunted courage.
  • Kind- Compassion for the unfortunate governs her life and sweet speech flows from her lips
  • Wise- Walking in wisdom is her way of life
  • Holy- She wholeheartedly loves the Lord
These internal qualities enable God' beautiful woman to manage well her life, her time, her money, her mouth, her home, her relationships, and her self.

A powerful body- And how, we wonder, does the Proverbs 31 woman do all that God desires of her?  When we turn over the "coin of definition" we clearly see that her life requires physical energy and vigor.  Observe the beautiful- and strong- Proverbs 31 woman at work.
  • She works willingly with her hands
  • Those willing hands plant a vineyard
  • They also operate a spindle and distaff
  • She works from early in the morning until late at night
  • She nurses the needy
  • She weaves the cloth for her family's clothes, for her household needs, for her own clothing, and for sale as a professional
  • Never idle, she watches over and builds her home.
This virtuous and very industrious woman needs physical strength and ability to do the work of her life, the work of love.

And now, dear reader, having considered this special woman's moral and physical strength, we must look at one final element that is crucial to understanding what a virtuous woman is.  I know it doesn't sound very attractive or feminine or beautiful, but she is an army- and army of virtues!  That's the essence of God's description of her character. Let me explain.

The Hebrew word for virtuous is used 200-plus times in the Bible to describe an army.  This Old Testament word refers to a force, and is used to mean able, capable, mighty, strong, valiant, powerful, efficient, wealthy, and worthy.  The word is also used in reference to a man of war, men of war, and men prepared for war.  Change this definition to the feminine case and you begin to grasp the power at the core of this woman!  Just as mental toughness and physical energy are the primary traits of an army, they also mark God's beautiful woman.

I know this is a lot to absorb, so you may want to go back and read this important section again.  As you and I stand together staring at the awesome Proverbs 31 woman, we need to understand as much as possible what God means when He describers her as a virtuous woman.  After all, understanding her character- the goal of this chapter is our first step toward becoming virtuous Proverbs 31 women ourselves!

'Who can find a virtuous woman?' is the question of Proverbs 31:10.  With this query God points out that His kind of woman is extraordinary- indeed, a rare treasure- when it comes to her inner strength and outward accomplishments.  She's also an utterly awesome army of virtues.  And with God's help you and I can become awesome, too!"

So that is where my Blog title comes from.  My mission statement is "Striving for a life that reflects God's idea of beauty and God's design for excellence, while cultivating a powerful mind and a powerful body to become a virtuous woman."  Everything I do in life, it is my hope that it fits this statement and fits the description of Proverbs 31.  Some of the areas I need to work on more (I can't sew to save my life!) Not that I think that you necessarily have to become a P31 woman... maybe at least sew a button and hem some pants.  But I think you can also fit this part by being thrifty where you buy your items, instead of having to make them.  And where my sewing skills lack, I think I make up for it in other areas.  To me, Proverbs 31 isn't a list of traits you must master to fit God's ideal of a beautiful woman, to me it explains area of a woman's life and as a woman I should be working hard to excel in those areas, to be continually improving in these areas.  The verse I feature at the top of my website is the first verse in this section "Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?  She is more precious than rubies!" (Proverbs 31:10)   While the questions might make you think that this woman is impossible to find, she is out there, and each of us can become one.  We can be more precious than rubies. I could talk more on this subject, and I will probably due a series on it in the future, but I just wanted to explain where my title and tag lines came from.

If you have never studied this amazing chapter, I would encourage you too.  There are numerous books and resources that have been written about it. 

(Quote taken from Beautiful in God's eyes: The Treasures of the Proverbs 31 Woman by Elizabeth George)

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