Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So in the last 24 hours, my pageview number has jumped from 415 to 530.  Wow.  I had actually a giveaway planned for when it hit 500 and was going to post the entry about it as soon as I got back into town on sunday (thinking it would take that long to get to 500) and now its come and gone!  I am honored!  I didn't start this blog wanting to hit a certain number or anything, it was mainly a place for my musings.  I subscribed to over 30 other blogs (and more are added everyday as I find them) and I get a lot of great ideas from these blogs.  Craft projects I never thought to do (which is all of them, since I never think of doing craft projects), recipes to try (although those get dumped on the food blog), organization ideas (small space=little room for stuff) and so much more.  Without these blogs, I wouldn't get these ideas.  If I can help some else have that "I should of thought of that, it will benefit me so much" moment all the better. And everything I post about I am usually pretty excited about (whether it's because I finally did a craft project without giving up or finally found a space for that item or whatever).  While most of these posts are still my musings (it's is my blog after all) I have tried to include more posts that other people might find enjoyable and interesting (not that my normal life isn't enjoyable and interesting... it is... at least to me.... wait you mean it's not to you?  oh, oh well ;-)).  And as always I hope everyone finds something here for them.  Again, I am honored by the pageviews!  Without you, it would just be me talking to myself (and I do that more than enough).

I do have some giveaways planned (my first!)... more info coming after the holiday. (Happy Thanksgiving everyone).
I also have my first reviews coming up too (more firsts).
The food blog will get updated (it's been awhile!)
Also, part 2 of the Frames Project will be posted (sorry, won't get to it before we leave!)/
Along with 3 other projects I am almost done with.
I have also finished more of my devotional notes that I would love to share with you.
Plus so much more.

I hope you all will continue to follow what I got going on.  I welcome any comments, inputs, or ideas you have. 

Again, HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL.... see you next week!

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