Monday, November 07, 2011

File Cabinet System or FCS

My first project is well under way.

My current filing system worked fine when i was single.... But now that I am married, it's a mess. A cluttered mess. Too much paper, not streamlined. With that in mind I am changing it. First up, over the next 4 years I will be implementing a new system using the four drawer filing cabinet I have. These will have the current year and 3 past years of weekly files (hence why it will take four years). More on this later.

The other 2 drawers will have one drawer dedicated to articles I have collected throughout the years and then the other drawer will have stuff we need on hand- recipes, school stuff etc. I plan to use a file box for files I need to keep beyond four years. Eventually I will add more file cabinets for these, but right now we don't have the space or money to buy more. We shall see how it goes.

Now on to the main point of this post.

My new Weekly File System....

I originally got the idea from here.( her FCS stands for File Crate System, but a file cabinet works better for me....)This lady uses it for her family management and home school materials. I haven't read through all the posts yet, but I plan to adapt her ideas to work with us.

First, I had to gather my supplies.

Materials needed:
-6+ hanging file folders
-52+ file folders
-6 colored sharpies
-loose leaf paper
-monthly calendars- one for each month
-weekly calendars- one for each week
-52 blank menus

You can used whatever color hanging folders and file folders you want.  I used these because its what I had.... girl on a budget!  I am short about 20 file folders, so the rest will have to be finished later.

It took forever, but I found a weekly planner that I liked and that I thought would work.  I found mine here.  I deleted the hour breakdown they had and just kept blank, empty lines.  Then I printed one for each week.  You will see a picture later.

I used Microsoft Publisher to print the monthly calendars.  I like plain old black and white ones, but you can use whatever ones you want.

I also printed 52 blank menus, you can search for templates or create your own.  I don't have a site for files yet, otherwise I would share mine.  If you are interested feel free to send me an email and I will send you the document.

Next, you want to take your markers and on each file folder write the corresponding weekly dates.  I used 6 different colors to correspond with the 6 different hanging folders I will have: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec.

Then, I stapled each week's calendar to the back of the file folder.  I plan to keep this side up when the file is out of the cabinet.  I did the back because this way the paper doesn't extend beyond the sides of the folder, like it would on the front, so I figure less change to get ruined.

If I knew of any important dates, I went ahead and added them to the calendar.  I don't have many... just starting to keep a running list of important dates.

Next, I inserted 2 pieces of loose leaf and a blank menu in each folder.  The menu is so if I get to the point where I get planning the menu a few weeks ahead of the time, I have a place to write it down.  When I finish a menu it will be typed up and a copy printed out and put upstairs in the kitchen.  The loose leaf is just "in case" right now.  I can use it for anything I might need for that week.  I figured I would add it now so I had it.

Then, I put the monthly calendar in the week that corresponds to the first week of that month.  These will be moved each week.

Lastly, all the file folders were added to the file cabinet.

As I mentioned before I am 20 folders short, so I have only completed through the first week of September.  Also, you will see the first folder starts Jan. 2.  This is because I have gotten in the habit of my week starting Monday and January 1st had the nerve to be on a Sunday.

This is still considered a work in progress... as I find more things to add, I will let you know.

When 2012 starts, I plan to pull a folder out a few days before the beginning of the week, probably Friday.  It will stay on my desk throughout the week.  This will serve to purposes (or more).  One, Chad and I will be able to see our weekly activities, along with To Dos, Bills due etc.  This is mostly for Chad.  I keep a personal planner, and I keep track of bills and everything in it.  But this will allow Chad to see, maybe it will keep him more involved in the day to day aspects of our life. Two it will provide a place for me to keep everything I need to file or sort through or need for a week.  As mentioned, my filing system is a mess now that I am married.  Hoping this helps.  At the end of a 2 month period I will go through each folder from the previous two months, throw away anything I don't need to keep.  Move to next years file for stuff I want for the same time (holiday recipe we liked, tradition item, etc.), move to the tax folder anything we will need come tax time, move to other files/binders if they are needed (medical files, manuals/reciepts, recipes, project clippings/ideas, syllabus to keep, etc.).  The rest will stay in that week which will include calendars, menus, keepsakes, mementos, etc.  I have already added this purging time to the weekly to do list of the pertinent week.  I will keep these files for 3.5 years.  I say 3.5 years, because around June (what a great birthday present to myself....)I plan to set up the folders for the next year and so I will need the space.  At the time, I will go through the files again and keep what I want, recycle the rest.

Prince is thrilled with the new system... Are you?  I would love comments and ideas.

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