Monday, November 07, 2011

Busy bee

I am attempting to be productive today. It is rainy and cold out and really all I want to do is sleep... I am trying to resist. So far I have checked up on some loan papers and talked to my insurance agent about health insurance for next year. I have also started a list of craft/diy projects I want to work on.

So far, I have 20 items on the list. In the future I plan to get a binder going where I can keep a list of materials I have already and then the project ideas I have and stuff needed for them (that is actually one of the 20 items on the list) but for now I am just using a notebook. I wrote down the 20 items I am attempting. I have used a green pen to check the first 5 i want to start (green designates "In planning stage") once an item gets a green checklist... I then give that project a heading on a new page. Here I am writing down materials I need for said project. Once I obtain all materials (unemployed= takes longer to get materials) then the project gets a red checkmark. The red designates it as "In project stage," which means to get started! Then once I am finished it gets a blue for "Completed." See HERE for the 20 items currently on the list and their current status.

Also today, I want to get the material list done for the 5 projects in the planning stage, I need to update my Food Blog, file some papers, update the family budget, plan the next 2 weeks of meals and do the grocery list as well as sort through my Teacher Work Sample and see what I still need to finish so I can complete my certification...

Let's see how long I last before the weather wins out and I curl up with the cats in bed.

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