Friday, September 07, 2012

45 days of change

So here is a mid week post for you.... I took my original measurements on July 25, I took new measurements today, about 45 days later.  It is day 40 of the challenge, and day 33 of me working out....

Weight -5.8 pounds.
Upper chest +.75,
Bust no change,
midriff -3,
Upper arm Right +.5,
Upper arm left +.75,
upper hip -.25,
lower hip-2.5,
upper thigh R -2.5,
upper thigh left -1.75,
mid thigh right -1.25,
mid thigh left -1,
calf right +.5,
calf left +.25

Could be a little less than accurate since I had two people take the measurements then and today, but it is pretty accurate with what I feel I have lost and gained in certain area...

I am noticing the most changes in my arms and legs and I am glad the numbers are showing that.  Hoping I see some changes in the chest, bust and midriff during the next phase.

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