Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 2

 Disclaimer:  I talk about girly stuff, sorry.

Start Weight 166.6
Weekly Goal: 164
Month Goal: 160

Much better week!

Followed the plan Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday I didn't get my workouts in, but I still got all 6 workouts and all 5 walks in by the end of the week... I just didn't get my off days when I was supposed to.

Made a new recipe up... Pesto Egg about it on the food blog.  It was really good and just what I needed that day.

Best moment: on my 60 minute walk on Sunday I went almost 2.5 miles (I was at 2.489).  And I think I could of gone faster/farther with music.  Will start taking my Ipod with me next week.

Worst: tired tired tired.  I am dragging.  Probably because Aunt Flo is coming soon.

Anyways, I met my goals so I get to choose when/ if the tv is on next week and what we watch... Woo Hoo to a nice quiet week without the TV on all the time!!!

End Weight: 165 (lost 1.6 for the week, 4.2 total) didn't get to my goal weight but that's ok, retaining water because of Aunt Flo's impending visit.  I am still on track to get to my monthly goals- which are the weight loss goals that matter...

In other news, my BMI is now 27.9 (down 1.1) and my body fat % is 35.8 (down 1.7%) Umm... AWESOME!

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