Saturday, January 12, 2013

Monthly Readings

First of all... I am back.  Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years.  I enjoyed my much needed break! :-)  Due to some GI issues, which I will talk about in my next post, my break was longer than planned. It is taking me some time to get back in the swing of things, and all those things are taking much longer to do as well.

Monthly reading for this month

-Still reading the Everworld Series.  I think I have 3 books left.  I love all the different culture mythologies.  In the same series I have gone from Greek, to Norse, to Irish and everything in between.  It is a great series for the older teenaged to adult fantasy fans.

-Complete Guide to Money by Dave Ramsey.  I have read this before, but I am taking the Financial Peace University class at my church and it is the book that goes along with the class.

-50 People Every Christian Should know about- Warren Wierserbe.  Lots of great people in here- founders of the Christian faith.

-Shameless Shortcuts: 1,027 tips and techniques- Editors of the Yankee Magazine.  I have read part of this book in the past, but I am re-reading it and taking down notes.  Lots of amazing tips!

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