I have been told that I do overkill when it comes to planning/organizing. Maybe so, but its how I keep sane. I think my planning/organizing got worse when I got married... because my husband isn't organized and rarely plans I feel I need to plan and organize for us both. And I know I got worse when we moved in with my in laws... they aren't organizers/planners either. I am sure someone remembers.. although I don't really... but my dad made a comment about me planning at my wedding. I don't remember exactly what he said, because honestly that day went by in a blur. But I get my organizing/planner habits from my dad.
My dad and I ordered our 2012 planners last week.... I have been checking the mail every day since waiting for them to arrive. And I actually cheered when I got the email that they shipped. Over the past few years my planning/scheduling has evolved from those little store bought planners most people use to write down school assignments etc. Then I moved on to a Franklin Covey (planning experts :-)) simple system that is just a step up from those simple organizers you get from walmart. To this year I got one of their wire bound systems. It has a little booklet that has all 12 months overview in it and then a little booklet for each month. I love the two page a day system and don't think I could ever go back to one page per day or 2 page per week. It has a To Do section, an appointments section and then a whole page for notes.... I loved it. It helped me to pay more bills on time, to get more done off my to Do list and to get where I need to go more on time. The only drawback was that it only had room for the monthly booklet and then one months booklet. Which was fine during the middle of the month, but as the end of the month came it was hard to start planning for the next month when I didn't have space to carry that months booklet with me.
Next year I am moving to the same system my dad is on (although he uses the boring green original color and my design will change with the seasons). It is a ring bound system, meaning its like a little binder where everything is divided into sections. Like this years system I will have a section that has each months overview calendar. However it will be within the daily pages, not at the beginning in its own sections. I will also have 2 pages per day, just like this year... although my new system will also have a box for financial, where you can put stuff thats due or jot down what you spend that day. I also ordered some extra pages that I can't wait to use. Financial pages to help budget and menu/grocery list pages.
Not only will I have my planner, but I am implementing a new file cabinet calendar system. I will have a folder for all 52 weeks. Each folder will have the weeks agenda, the monthly overview calendar, the weekly menu, and the weekly To do list, along with any papers I need for projects that week. This system is mainly for the rest of the family. Right now I have a monthly calendar that sits on my desk that Chad can look at and see what's going on... This saves him from having to ask me all the time.
I also have the weekly menu sitting on my desk, so both of us can see what the meals are. For instance... Chad works today till midnight... which means he needed to have both his lunch and dinner with him before he left for work. So yesterday I was able to look at the menu and see if I needed to cook tonights dinner before we went to bed so it was ready for him. Plus since we do alot of crock pot meals having the menu sitting out lets me see what days we have crock pot meals so I can make sure they get started on time. Example: tomorrow we are having Crock Pot Chicken... I know Chad has school till 5, Sharon (my mother in law) works form 2-8 and I have school from 5-7. Therefore, it will be easiest for everyone, if I start the crock pot tonight, let it cook overnight and divide the food in the morning. This way my mother in law can take her dinner with her to work if she wants and my husband won't have to come home and worry about dinner (on nights I have class if I don't get it done beforehand he is in charge)... it will be done, he can start studying.
Plus with the file cabinet system I am hoping I can start menu planning earlier. For instance we bought chicken and won't be using it all this week, well i can be looking for a recipe that uses Chicken, when I come across one I can print it and through it next weeks folder so that it is all ready to go and I don't have to search for a recipe. I also want to start planning a few weeks ahead, so if for instance I get really sick and am stuck in bed, the menu and grocery list is done and I can just hand it to Sharon and she can go get what we need.
Also with the folders... it will be nice when a bill comes I can open it and place it in the right week for when its due and not have a bunch of bills sitting around. I know we have to renew our plates in Jan? Throw the paper in that weeks folder. Taxes due April 15? Keep a folder in the middle of Feb for all your tax related documents... so when my father says he is doing my taxes a certain weekend, I have all the papers all ready to go. We live on a tight budget since I am not really employed, so I like to buy cards when they are on sale or clearanced or in bulk. So if I know my husband has a birthday in July and I found the perfect card for him, I can buy it now and throw it in that folder, so when his birthday comes around its all ready. This way I can keep a list of cards and gifts to buy in my planner for the whole year and when I get one I can toss it in the folder and not think about it again.
When it comes to planning and organizing the ideas and the benefits are limitless. And you have that peace of mind that comes when you know something is taken care of and you don't have to stress about it.
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