Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Design and Theme

If you are regular followers of my blog you will noticed it changed.... as I hinted it would.  The address has also changed... so I hope you found your way here.

Here was the trivia question I left you:
Where does Army of Virtues come from?  See if you can guess by answering a trivia question
-There are numerous books written about
-It deals with God's idea of beauty and God's design for excellence
-It is an acrostic poem (each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, in order)

If you guess Proverbs 31... you are correct.
Proverbs 31:10-31 talks about the Wife of Noble Character and it is my new theme in life....  what I am striving for.  I want to be this woman.  If you have studied this section at all you know that this part is a mother giving her son, King Lemuel some instructions.  Here, she is tell him the type of wife she should look for.  This woman is wisdom in action at its finest.  She does everything with forethought and excellence which in turn enables her husband and children to do her best.  Now I don't have children (yet!) but I have a husband.  I have a husband who I am very proud of and who I love very much.  I want him to do well in life.  And if I can do anything to help him do well in life... well I am going to do it.  I want to do everything I do (work, managing family, manage household, cook, clean, etc etc etc) well so that he doesn't have to and so that he can focus on what he needs to.  I want my husband to be proud of me and proud of what I do.

But, more important than my husband being proud of me... I want God to be proud of me.  And these verses portray God's ideal woman.  These verses show the qualities that God's seek for his daughters to posses.  This is God's idea of beauty and God's design of excellence.  And to me, more than anyone elses' idea of beauty and excellence, I want to meet God's idea.

So what are the traits of this Proverbs 31 woman?

The Proverbs 31 woman is....
 (wish I could remember where I found this particular example, but this has been on a card in my bible for so many years and I just don't know where it originally came from)

Wow!  What a list!  I don't know about you, but I don't meet all these... I don't meet many of these, or at least not to the extent I believe the Proverbs 31 woman does.

In the weeks to come I will be sharing some of my notes with you, from the devotional I am going through right now.  It is one I have done before, but one I love.  The book is "Beautiful in God's Eyes: The treasures of the Proverbs 31 woman" by Elizabeth George.  In fact, my next post will explain the "Army of Virtues" part of my new design.  I hope you will keep coming back and reading about my journey to become a P31 woman....

Will my blog posts change?

Not really.  I will still have all the same types of posts... such as my organizational posts, craft and project posts, and all the other topics I have talked about and had plan to talk about.  These will also still be here, because being organized and crafty are still part of the P31 woman's life (refer to the list... she is creative-my craft projects require creativity!....she is helpful... I am helpful by making sure our bills get paid on time and that my family always knows whats for dinner and what we are doing... and these are just 2 examples-i could give more).  However... there will be some new things, including practical ideas to help you become a P31 woman (if you so choose).  As I already mentioned, I will share some of my devotional notes, along with some other new stuff too.  So I hope you will keep coming back and come along with me on this journey.

If I am not changing the content much, then why the new design and theme?

As mentioned in another post, I wanted a design and theme that more fits my goal with this blog.  The old design and feel of it didn't really create a focus... it was a blog where anything goes.  Yes, I will still be writing about alot of the same things, however, now there is more's about how all those "things" (such as menu planning, craft projects, and just the day to day aspects of my life) contribute towards my goal of being a P31 woman.  Being a P31 woman is very important to me and I wanted my blog to fit in with that idea.

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