So last post I left you at the end of November. Today, I will show you my Christmas Planning pages!
First of all... Our Christmas celebrations are usually pretty busy and complicated. Here is how it goes. Either the week before Christmas or in this case the Sunday before, we head down to visit my MIL's family and do Christmas with them. Then on the evening of the 23rd we head back down to where they live. Christmas Eve we have breakfast with my husband's grandparents, then Lunch with his dad's family, then drive back home (2.5 hours one way) to have dinner with my family. Yep... it's that crazy. Christmas morning we decided to start our first year of marriage a tradition that will hopefully help our family when we have kids. It's just us. We celebrate right now just the two of us. We save a gift and our stockings to open till then. Last year we changed it just a bit because we only have 1 kitchen so we had breakfast with the in laws. But we got up and did our private christmas before heading upstairs. Then we do lunch with the in laws. My SFIL (husband's step father) usually gets a ham from work so we freeze it and make it for christmas day. Then after lunch we head to the movies with my mom and dad. This was a tradition started when I was young. See I have a blended family. I am the only kid my parents had together. Christmas Eve was always spent at our house, then Christmas day my parents always went to their other parent's family. Leaving me home with mom and dad and feeling left out because they came home with extra presents! So my parents started leaving me a present or two to open on Christmas day and then we went to the movies. Something special with just us. The year I got married my husband joined us and last year his parents also joined us. I don't know if it will continue when we have kids, but we shall see... It is still a time I look forward to all year. So, as you can see Christmas is crazy- which is probably why we don't do much for New Years!
Now, on to the planning!
Besides the monthly calendar and main planning page I have other sheets. This one from is a stocking stuffing idea. My husband and I do stockings for each other- even though I usually do all the buying- I usually put candy, or other special snacks, movies, cds, books etc in them. This year we aren't doing stockings (lack of funds) but will continue the tradition next year. Here is where I can keep a list of some ideas and price range.
Next, is a budget. Again, we are budget people, so this is a must. In my main budget I only have a general HOLIDAY category so this helps me see more of a breakdown.
Next is a baking planner. Even if we don't host a christmas gathering, we always have dishes to take to the ones we go to, this helps me keep track of it all.
Next is a traditions page, like the Thanksgiving one I talked about yesterday. For some reason I missed taking a picture of it. We have a lot including- our advent boxes, advent devotional and wreath, and our Jesse Tree.
Then I have my decor storage. We have so many Christmas decorations that they are kept in the storage area, instead of in a cabinet with the other holidays.
Next is a decoration inventory page to keep track of everything
A Christmas Card worksheet- we do either a photo card or include a photo, and a christmas letter, here I can plan it all out before I get started -something I should of done this year since I still haven't started any of it!
Handmade gifts- these are always fun to make and receive. This year we are doing homemade vanilla and snowman hot cocoa (if I ever get around to making them!)
Gift list- to help plan with all the gifts we get!
Gift ideas for people we buy for!
To keep track of who sends us gifts, so I know who to send a thank you card to!
Plan your shopping trips!
Great for tracking stuff you buy online-when you ordered it, when it was recieved, who it goes to.
This is at the very back of my binder (after New year's Eve planning sheet). This is great for keeping track of family traditions for other times than Christmas and Thanksgiving. I think the only one we do that's not tied to those two holidays is buying a wine stopper during trips. But I am sure we will start more traditions as I find them :-) I love traditions.
Now it's your turn... What traditions do you have in your family!?
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