SW: 164.4
BF% 35.6
M% 34.3
Can't believe week 8 has come and gone already. Only 4 more weeks of my 5k walking plan, and only a few more days more than that of my Beachbody Challenge. I am not breezing through my weight loss like I was hoping, but I am building muscle like crazy and lowering my body fat like crazy, so I am happy. My goals are becoming more realistic each week, and I am looking amazing (at least I feel like I look amazing, whether or not I actually do is another matter).
I have gotten some new tools to help me with my weight loss and fitness journey and will be sharing those in the weeks to come (more on that later.
This week started out great. I set some new personal goals... completing my first 5k on Monday with a time of 61:39, only to destroy that time on tuesday with a time of 58:38 for a 5k. That meant I met one of my goals, which was to walk a 5k under 60 minutes. My new goal is trying to walk a 5k under 50 minutes and I am oh so close (but you will have to wait for week 9's update to see just how close!). By the end of my 12 week walking plan I want to have a walking 5k time of 45 minutes, but will be extremely proud if I make it to 48 minutes). I am getting anxious to move on to my 10k walking plan, but will complete my 12 week 5k walking plan first... Just to have the satisfaction of a great time and of completing a program I set out to complete.
My workouts are doing well. I plan to move to phase 3-4 of the power 90 program at the beginning of week 10 (giving myself 2 extra weeks at Phase 1-2 than the program suggests). With the circuit program I can do 15 reps with the higher resistance on all moves but 2 and I am still doing modified dips on some days (tired by the end of the workout after doing pushups.) I can also only do about 10 reps of pushups.. but I am doing normal pushups not modified so I am ok with this number. My arms feel like jelly after. :-) The Cardio/Ab program is going well too. I still do the low impact version of the jumping jacks and run lunches (the girls hurt if I do these like they do in the video). Still look like a mess during the power yoga portion, but I can do most of the moves (my pushups need work). Starting to feel some abs (especially when prince has to kneed them at night- ouch).
Still having some trouble continuing my program all week. The schedule adjustments have helped, but Chad was home this weekend, and I can't seem to get anything done when he is home (sorry hunny!). I didn't do my workouts friday (walked but not workout), saturday or sunday. Although Saturday I was on my feet for over 10 hours (pushing a stroller at the zoo for most of it) so I still got some activity in. We also ate out thursday, friday, and saturday, which didn't help my weight loss... However I did lose :-)
My bodybugg arrived yesterday which I am super excited about. There will be a post on it sometime during my 31 days challenge.
What's a 31 day challenge? I am joining a blogging challenge for the next 31 days. I know, another challenge- that makes 4 I am doing right now. Yikes. However, the Living and Active challenge fits in with the Beachbody Challenge so that doesn't pose too much extra time. Anyways, for all 31 days of October I will be posting about a certain topic. The topic I chose will be 31 days of fitness. I will be posting something fitness related every day during October. It could be anything- from my favorite gadgets and equipment to help with meeting your fitness goals, to before/after workout drinks, to fitness inspiration blogs I enjoy... to my weekly updates. I picked fitness because I was already focusing on fitness right now and am hoping this will help me be able to complete...
So in case you were confused on my challenges, here are the four I have going on right now:
Beachbody Challenge- my workout challenge- follow a workout plan and keep track of my weight loss and measurement changes.
Living and Active Challenge- exercise 25 minutes 4 times a week and memorize a memory verse every week.
Colossians Study- not really a challenge, but I am doing a bible study on colossians this month with Goodmorninggirls.org
31 days of fitness- blogging challenge- blog every day for 31 days.
I hope you will keep checking in and seeing the updates on my challenges and join me in October for 31 days of fitness - maybe you will find something to help you with your own fitness goals. I am also working on my binders so I can share my binder series with you, but with everything going on its taking longer than I had hoped to have the series ready.. And before the end of the year I will have at least 3 projects to share with you- my Thanks Board I never finished last year, and 2 homemade Christmas gifts I am doing this year (baby food jar snowmen and homemade vanilla).
EW: 161 (down 3.4 pounds!)
BF% 34.3 (down 1.3%)
M% 34 (down .3- though my water has been higher lately so that is messing with all my numbers).
(I am not good at making buttons yet, sorry it's so boring lol)