For a long time I was a big fan of Franklin Covey planners. I still love them, but I don't quite need something that inolved anymore. But, if you are looking for a great planner with lots of options, you should check it out.
Last year I used the Week Dominator. I loved it, but it was really big, and didn't really fit in my purse. Halfway through the year (the Week Dominator was only a 6 month planner), I switched to the Purposeful Planner. Loved it, but it became to heavy and thick to carry around.
This year, I decided to try out the Spark Notebook. So far, I love it. Here are some of the key features:
The first few pages includes a place to figure out your 2016 theme and create some yearly goals. This year I settled on the theme of Focus. Whatever I am doing I want to devote my full attention to it. I also want to focus on my goals and not only meet them, but exceed them. I set 10 goals this year and they range across the different areas of my life. The planner also includes a page to list your Achievements for the year. I like that idea because it is important to recognize when you do something well, and having it in the planner provides an easy reference point, if your having a "down" day.
After those sections, the monthly and weekly sections begin. First there is a calendar for the month.
I like that it has some space on the side for notes.
Then, there is a space for Monthly goals, as well as space for notes or other items. There is great benefit in taking your Yearly goals and breaking them down monthly and weekly. It makes them more manageable. There is also a monthly challenge. I love this. By setting a monthly challenge, it gives you something to focus on and really make a habit. In January I focused on drinking 75oz of water a day. In February I focused on taking a lunch break at work every day. Such a great idea.
Each week has a journal prompt. There are some really great prompts- "Give yourself a performance review," "Where do you want to be at this time next year?" "What is one thing you want to accomplish in your life." Great stuff to really help you think about your life and where you are, and where you want to be. There is also space to set weekly goals, as well as space to reflect and celebrate your week.
I also recently discovered there is a few blank pages at the back for taking notes, or brainstorming.
This new planner really fits me. Plenty of space to keep me on track, but not so much that I am planning a 1,000 to do items and then getting frustrated when they don't get done. I can only write so many for the space I have.
You can get your own here. Now, for what you have been waiting for... the giveaway of my extra Spark Notebook.
Congrats briety81, you are the winner. Please email me your shipping information so I can get it out to you right away.
Now it's your turn.... Do you use a planner? Which one and why? What do you need/like in a planner?